Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rock N Roll Marathon Recap & Everything in Between

Lets go back a few weeks.
To the beginning of November.

I hit a very big 'mental' wall. I started feeling discouraged because I wasn't meeting my expected millage. I was down. I had trouble sleeping and focusing because in the back of my mind, I kept telling myself: You NEED to be at this distance, you NEED to run on this day, you NEED this, you NEED that. I kept telling myself what I needed vs what my body wanted. Many of my runs became forced. I'm not sure if that makes since... but running for me is never a forced thing to do. Its been because its beautiful out, I want an adventure, so I'm going to go find it and appreciate whats around me. Running also served as 'me' time. Two kids, two jobs.. life is hectic. Running helped me let go of all things around me and brought me back on top to where I felt okay.
I had two weeks of bad runs. I almost convinced myself to not run the marathon at all.
I Finally had the run. The run that HURT. Mentally and Physically. 16 miles was supposed to be 20 miles.

After this run.... I started opening up to a few friends and let them know what was going on. Everything they spoke to me was encouraging. I took a step back from running. I put my shoes away and rested. I needed mental rest more then anything. I needed to clear my mind, because although I was behind a few miles... telling myself Id never cross that finish line would actually be what did me in.
I also realized.... I will NEVER let myself feel the way I did that day. It was horrible. I was ashamed at first because I felt I let it get to that point. I accepted where I was in training and told myself its okay. The only place I NEED to be right now is happy and proud and encouraged and to not give up! I also accepted that if I felt any need to only do to the half marathon... then that's what I would do.

After a few days of just resting, foam rolling and breathing. I ran. This was the first run where my feet didn't feel heavy, my body didn't hurt and my mind felt clear. I felt happy.

A little Recap of some of the runs a few weeks before marathon week!

Track Tuesday

Soler Social Run Group

My last Long Long run

My last Double Digit Long Run
(Don't worry, I had plenty more besides these haha)

Now lets fast forward some... to race week! Race week was amazing!!! I worked the Rock N Roll Expo with the Ragnar crew:


I felt super calm. I was ready. It was cold, rainy and windy, but that was all in the back of my mind. I was focused on having a good run.

The first 13.1 miles was really just one big party. Ill admit.. I was the overly excited runner. Telling everyone good luck, rocking out to the music.... and telling every volunteer, medic and police officer THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!! And yes... it rained and poured for a good 6-7 miles. I was soaked and cold.
After the cut off, everything got quiet. Many seemed extremely focused. (I completely understand why too... were about to run another 13.1 miles)
I felt wonderful besides being wet. I got up to mile 14 and my friend Jenn was there!! I was so excited!! I kept on... feeling good.... took my UCAN at mile 16, walked for a little bit (had to led that UCAN settle some.) I took off again.

I reached mile 19. I was cold.  I was wet. I was starting to hurt some. I walked again.
MILE 20: Jenn found me! I couldn't warm up anymore. I had to go the bathroom. I was wearing wind breaker pants and my hands had become to cold... I couldn't roll them around my flip belt so I took them off. haha. (I was feeling a little delirious too) Don't worry! I had running shorts on under!
MILE 21: Jenn was still with me, I was able to get my body moving again... but still very very cold. I asked her if the temperature had dropped. ( Making sure my body temp wasn't slipping to low) She said it had dropped some.
MILE 22: Jason found me. Jenn left to get back to her car. Jason rode along side me on his bike. The mental game was setting in. I was having trouble focusing. So I started rambling to him to try and focus and put the pain aside. I didn't have any troublesome pain... my muscles were just becoming sore.
MILE 23: I decided to walk. Jason had left so he could see me at mile 26. I felt a very slight... but deep pulling sensation in the back of my leg. I could have kept running... but I told myself  NO! You are way to close to possibly injury yourself to where you cannot cross the finish line. So for 3 miles.... I walked....
Skipping Mile 24 and on to MILE 25: Jenn found me again. Thank goodness. She stuck out that mile with me. I was so cold.. and to be honest... ready to cry. I felt emotional. The feeling of just wanting to be done...and the feeling that I'm almost there! One more mile to go.
Of course.. I had to use the bathroom again. *Rolls eyes*.
MILE 26 I could see the finish line and there was Jason. They let me off.... I was crying. Not because I was hurting.... but because I made it. I was there. 26.2 miles.

I plan on buying all 29 of my marathon pictures haha. Ill post them once I've purchased.

This was definitely the most challenging run to date. Yes, I am looking for another marathon... but for now.... I will take time to become stronger. I will let my body get used to longer runs. I know what needs to be worked on. I'm in no rush for my 2nd marathon. I'm proud of myself. <3 <3 Thank you all who supported me along the way!

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